Veterinary Services
To receive veterinary services, please contact the Vet in charge (listed for each service)
Services available:
Veterinary Services
To receive veterinary services, please contact the Vet in charge (listed for each service)
Services available:
Technician service for the execution of research techniques with rodents
Please contact Mariana Scherem at
The technicians are graduates of a veterinary nursing course. The technicians are authorized to work with animals used for research and they are skilled in basic procedures such as:
The technician can perform some procedures or all of the protocol for researchers who are interested in this service.
The technicians' work is conducted under the supervision of the Authority veterinarians.
The unit operates at the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and Hadassah Hospital in Ein-Kerem. The unit enables high-quality surgical-research work with advanced equipment with various animal species (pigs, small ruminants, rabbits) and holds the animals for the requested period of time under the best conditions, while maintaining the ethics requirements, and ensuring excellent treatment.
The unit has extensive experience in cardiology, chest surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, cannulation and more.
The means available to researchers include:
Blood and biochemistry gas meter and lung heart machine.
Rederivation service by C-section or Embryo-transfer for cleaning rodent colonies
Please contact Mariana Scherem at
The procedure is performed by the veterinary staff, The purpose of the procedure is to "clean" special strains of rodents (genetically modified and others) from pathogens. The original rodents are usually imported from laboratories around the world, and their microbial status does not allow them to be introduced into the SPF destination facilities. After these procedures, the "clean" animals fit the SPF units’ microbial status and the researchers may use them as founders of a breeding colony.
The service includes: