Application for Ethical Personal Authorization to Perform Experiments in animals

Please note:

A temporary permit is given for 4 months only.
During that time, one needs to complete all stages 
requirements to get a permanent certificate.

Personal Details

Please attach one of the following:
1.    Document indicating that you belong to the Hebrew University Academic Faculty.
2.    A Letter from Hadassah Deputy Director R&D Division ( indicating that you are a PI.

Activity in animal treatment or animal trials
Applicants Declaration

1)    I have read the following documents: 
    a)    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Law (EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS) 1994 
    b)    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Rules (EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS) 2001
    c)    The Hebrew University regulations regarding the use of Laboratory Animals.
2)    I have understood their intention, and the resulting limitations and duties, and I am obligated to act by them and by any Hebrew University regulation.